Proxima Code AS


We digitize lead referrals for banks, real estate agents, insurance companies, and more in compliance with regulations and in accordance with GDPR.

Read how we make sure that leads from real estate agents to the bank advisor are handled quickly and stay warm.


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Now the company is in the process of creating a new industry standard – and has already secured contracts with several of the largest players: Nordea in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, Privatmegleren, Mäklarhuset, Svensk Fast, Melhusbanken, Fana Sparebank, Fana Eiendom, Himla Bank, Himla Eiendom, Sørmegleren, and Sparebanken Sør. As part of this, the system is also being used by several of the banks partners, such as Gjensidige and real estate agents.The goal is to create a completely new approach for handling the follow-up of so-called leads, simply explained as good and efficient customer follow-up.

What system offers

"Proxima allows Gjensidige's employees to see the status of the leads sent to Nordea. We gain a more conscious understanding of which leads we send to partners. Proxima is easy to navigate, and we save a lot of time."

Lovise Engh - Gjensidige

A reliable system with effective solutions that has provided Nordea Denmark with a comprehensive data overview. The system is used to improve the customer experience.

Mette Herum Larsen - Nordea Denmark

It is crucial to have reliable systems that ensure leads are handled quickly, keeping them warm. Proxima is designed for this purpose.

Per Øivind Fuhr - Nordea Norge

The impact is remarkable. Proper handling of tips and customer leads is both time-saving and good for business.

Vidar Horne - Sparebank 1 SamSpar

Proxima has helped us structure both internal and external collaborations in an organized and efficient way. Proxima Code has provided us with a team of solution-oriented developers who ensured a smooth integration. Helpful and accessible staff, including both developers and management, have contributed to a positive business relationship. We look forward to continuing this strong partnership with more exciting projects!

Kim Eriksson - Nordea Sverige

Integrated systems

Work smarter with integrations with other systems you use.

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