Why Proxima?

From warm leads to increased conversion.

First of all, this is not a lead generator, but a system that manages leads who have requested to be contacted – either by your company or through your company’s partners. Proxima emphasizes fostering a lead culture that drives upselling. All leads processed through the system are customers who have actively asked to be contacted. This ecosystem enables companies to measure the impact of leads at both the company and individual levels. Additionally, the system provides a solution for tracking growth and identifying its sources. It answers the crucial question of where leads come from, which is essential for future success. The program ensures that each lead is properly directed to the right person at the right time, helping to increase the conversion rate before leads go cold. The system also includes alert mechanisms that notify users when they need to follow up on leads. The positive internal culture is reinforced by the system’s clear action patterns, which guide users through the entire process. Learn more about how Proxima works in practice.

Targeted work with customer journeys

Everyone involved in sales knows that one negative experience can be enough to lose a sale or result in bad reviews. Conversely, positive experiences can create loyal, long-term customers who recommend you to friends and acquaintances. In a digital world where everything can be shared with a single click and where competition is global, having satisfied customers and smooth customer journeys is more important than ever. Proxima provides full insight into the entire customer journey in real-time and optimal handling of incoming leads. The system’s dashboard allows for customization and offers clear insights, making it easier to set premises and goals for further strategic work. With this system, Proxima Code has created a bridge between partners across the corporation and between external partners, all in accordance with GDPR and with the overarching goal of contributing to your company’s growth.

Quick implementation and seamless GDPR management

Proxima is designed for quick implementation and the ability to communicate across existing systems. It doesn’t require a significant overhaul or costly user training. There are several ways to use the solution, but common to all options is that the leads are processed through us, distributed, and provide the opportunity to gather detailed information on where the leads originate from. Another important aspect is consent management. All leads processed through Proxima have consent forms where required. This ensures that all contacts result from a clear customer request and are in compliance with GDPR regulations.

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