GDPR-compliant management of leads

Proxima is a platform that streamlines the follow-up of customer inquiries. The platform organizes all leads and ensures they remain engaged. We are 100% GDPR-compliant, and with our system, you can be confident that your leads are handled securely.

Get more value from your leads with Proxima

At Proxima Code, we know that a common problem in many industries is not getting enough out of your leads. Leads are not followed up adequately, and you quickly end up with no gains. This often results from having unfavorable systems and routines for handling customer inquiries. That’s why we developed Proxima. With Proxima, you can be confident that your customer inquiries are handled efficiently. Proxima is a user-friendly and flexible portal. The system can be adapted to various situations and businesses. Our customers get easy access to the system and can both register and receive tips on mobile devices. Lead management has never been easier, in our opinion.

What is lead?

Leads are simply explained as people who have shown interest in your products and services. In other words, this is a potential customer who can have significant value for your business. When a person is registered as a lead, you have their contact information and can reach out to them to make an offer.

Transferring leads between banking, real estate, and insurance

In the banking, real estate, and insurance industries, there is close collaboration. There is a clear connection between the services offered across these three sectors; customers often require multiple services simultaneously. There is no doubt that transferring leads between these industries can be highly valuable. With Proxima, bank advisors, insurance agents, and real estate brokers can refer leads to each other. For example, a lead may be transferred from a bank to a real estate agent when a customer contacts the bank and requests a financing certificate in connection with buying or selling a property. The bank advisor can then ask if the customer would like to be contacted by a skilled real estate agent. If the customer agrees, the bank advisor can add them as a lead in Proxima. With the customer's consent, the referral is forwarded to the broker, who may then gain a new client.

Here’s how it works:

1. A real estate agent, bank advisor, insurance agent, or other user registers a lead in the system. 2. The system obtains consent via SMS, BankID, or other solutions. When using SMS, the customer is asked to reply "yes" if they wish to be contacted. 3. The received consent is recorded in the system. 4. The lead is forwarded to the appropriate recipient. 5. We have a predefined list of recipients in the system. If the first recipient does not follow up on the lead, it is automatically transferred to the next recipient. This continues until the lead is addressed. 6. The recipient processes the lead and decides whether to make an offer. 7. The customer receives an offer.

Lead flow in your own sales channels

In addition to managing leads from partners, Proxima is a valuable tool for organizing leads from your own channels. A business often interacts with customers in various ways. For example, you might have a registration form on your website, customer contacts by phone, and similar methods. Many leads come in each day, and a good system helps you keep track of them effectively. With Proxima, you also gain insights into how your different channels can be optimized. The results of your campaigns, ads, and similar activities can be tracked in our system, giving you a complete overview of your results.

GDPR and Lead Management

In 2018, GDPR became a topic in Norway with the introduction of the new Personal Data Act. The law regulates the processing of personal data and imposes a range of obligations on businesses that collect and use such information. The processing of personal data is, of course, a relevant issue when it comes to leads. With Proxima, you can be assured that all GDPR regulations are adhered to. Individuals have the right to access their stored and processed personal data. Upon request, they should be able to obtain the data that has been recorded about them. Additionally, the information must be deleted if the person requests it. Furthermore, there are requirements that the business does not keep the data longer than necessary for its processing. Our procedures ensure that we are 100% GDPR-compliant. We anonymize all data on leads within 90 days after processing is complete. Processed leads are transferred to the company's system, such as a brokerage system or the bank's CRM system. We also have the ability to anonymize data immediately upon request from the individual. If a person uses the "delete me" function with one of our business clients, the data is also deleted from our system.

The company has a responsibility

Our systems facilitate the proper handling of personal data. When interacting with our clients, we also provide advice and information on best practices. Ultimately, however, it is the company's responsibility to review its processes and ensure they are GDPR-compliant. Typically, larger companies have legal advisors who handle assessments of how stringent processes need to be. In some cases, it may actually be appropriate to forego obtaining consent— for example, if you are physically with the customer, who provides consent on the spot. In such cases, it is not necessary to obtain consent again via SMS or similar methods. This can be easily overridden in Proxima if our clients request it.

Fewer leads, but more conversions

The consent requirement has led to significant changes for businesses handling leads. Tips cannot be forwarded in the system until consent is recorded, and naturally, not everyone responds with a "yes" when asked if they wish to be contacted. As a result, the number of leads processed through the system has decreased compared to before. However, conversions have notably increased! This development demonstrates that it's not the quantity of leads that matters, but rather their quality. We now see the importance of handling leads properly to ensure they are valuable.

Keep your leads engaged with effective systems

In lead management, the most important factor is keeping the leads warm. They must be handled as quickly as possible by the right person. If a lead is not followed up on promptly, we often see that the customer turns to a competing business. An effective lead management system ensures proper follow-up. Proxima forwards the lead to the next person in the system if it is not addressed within a reasonable time. If this person also does not take action, the lead is sent to the next person in line. This way, leads do not remain unattended. We have also recognized the value of preparing the customer for contact. There are various ways to do this— for example, the message in the SMS sent to the customer can be customized. When a customer is mentally prepared and expects to receive an offer, the chance of conversion is greater. This also means that the company's advisors get more out of their calling efforts.

Secure system for handling leads

In the digital sphere, new threats constantly emerge, and at Proxima Code, we must always be on top of security. We have an agreement for hosting in a secure, cloud-based server service. With this, we have a third party that ensures everything is updated to the latest version. Our system is continuously security tested. Through reviews, audits, and penetration testing, we check that all servers, APIs, websites, and so on are as secure as possible. A penetration test involves allowing an external party to attempt to hack our systems so that we can identify any security vulnerabilities. We can proudly say that Proxima has passed the test every time.

Ønsker du en demo?

You have the opportunity to try Proxima before committing to a contract with us. We can quickly and easily set up a demo solution specifically for you. If you contact us today, your demo is usually ready by the next business day. You can order a demo here.

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