
Do you want to get more out of your leads? Proxima collects and processes your leads quickly and efficiently – of course, GDPR-compliant.

User-friendly platform for efficient lead management

Proxima gives you a full overview of all your leads, assigns them to the right people, and ensures they are taken care of while they are still warm. This is what we call efficient lead management! Companies in all industries can benefit from better lead management. Customize Proxima to suit your needs and see results quickly. The system can be used in different ways: use the solution as a new platform or implement it in existing work tools – you decide.

Systematize leads from various sources

With Proxima, you get an overview of leads coming from both your own channels and external partners. The platform systematizes data from sources such as: - Websites - Registration forms - API - File uploads

Escalation provides quick follow-up on leads

In lead management, quick follow-up is crucial, and this is the core idea behind our system. Proxima ensures that your leads are handled promptly. You enter a list of recipients into the system, and the lead is automatically forwarded to the next recipient if it is not addressed within a reasonable time. This way, you can be sure that no leads are left unattended in the system! For you, the platform is simple and straightforward to use. We take care of the technical aspects, and you only need to focus on your customers.

Send leads to your partners

Moving leads between departments, companies, and external partners can be highly valuable in various industries. Proxima contributes to a new type of interaction; our system provides a complete overview of which leads have been transferred and what happens to the leads on the other side. Your partners can continue working in their own tools – we have a flexible integration system that allows our solutions to be implemented in external systems.

Easy to get started

You choose how you want to use our system. We recommend starting small and gradually increasing the scope. This way, you have the opportunity to get to know the system and explore its capabilities before diving into the many customization options available. We have created a standard setup that makes it quick and easy to get started with Proxima. With this, you get a well-tested setup that has delivered results for many of our customers.

There are no bad leads

All leads have the potential to become good leads if handled correctly. With the right tools and routines, you can ensure that no leads are lost due to slow follow-up. Proxima helps you systematize and streamline the follow-up of customers and sales opportunities. Users of the system see immediate results in sales and conversions. Additionally, their customers experience quick feedback, which increases customer satisfaction. A win-win for everyone!

You have many customization options

Proxima is a user-friendly and flexible portal, and as a user, you have the ability to customize the system to provide the greatest possible value for you. You can choose how small or large the customizations you want to make.

Escalations engine

Define how and when your leads should be escalated. Escalation means that leads are forwarded to the next responsible recipient if they have been in the system for too long. You decide how your leads should be escalated; which recipients they should go to and how fast the escalation rate should be. The escalation engine is designed to ensure that your leads are handled quickly, but you can define what this means for different types of leads. While some types of leads should be handled within a couple of hours, others can remain unprocessed until the next business day.

Transfering of leads

You have the ability to determine who should receive different leads based on various criteria. For example, you can choose that leads coming from specific postal codes or senders should go to specific offices or offices in a particular area. You can also choose to distribute leads equally between two different offices. Additionally, you can define that different types of leads should be transferred to specific recipients. Here, you have complete freedom to choose.


Our platform obtains consent when leads are moved between different parties. You can define the content of the SMS messages sent to potential leads, based on the type of leads in question.


The system ensures that data does not remain in the database longer than your leads consent to. After a defined number of days, customer data is anonymized. Create a setup where you define the number of days your leads stay in the system. This can be determined based on the type of lead and how far the leads have progressed in the process – a lead that has not been handled usually does not stay in the system as long as a processed lead.

Clear platform for different users

Proxima has different features depending on the user's role: - Users who actively work with leads will have access to a page with an overview of all incoming leads, as well as the leads they are currently working on and those they will work on in the future. They can also search for leads – a practical feature that makes the job easier. - Users at the leadership level use the platform to generate reports, with statistics on sent leads, conversions from leads to customers, sources of leads, types of leads, processing time, and similar metrics. All data in the system can be included in reports. Leaders also have the option to generate customized reports for their department alone. All reports can be exported to Excel for easy further handling. All statistics are stored in our system, so you can easily retrieve them when needed. An overview of figures and users can also provide you with insights into how the use of various resources can be optimized for future lead management.

Secure storage of leads

Our data is securely stored in isolated environments, safeguarded according to industry standards. We have an agreement for hosting in a cloud-based server service. This ensures that a third party keeps everything up to date at all times. We continuously work to uncover any security vulnerabilities in Proxima. The system is annually audited and security tested by an independent external party – and we have passed the test with flying colors every time.


Proxima facilitates GDPR-compliant handling of leads. We ensure GDPR compliance through obtaining customer consent, as well as proper storage and processing of personal data. All data about leads is anonymized no later than 90 days after they have been processed. We can also anonymize data if an individual directly requests this. And if the person uses the "delete me" function on one of our customers' websites, the data will also be deleted from our system. Do you need guidance on GDPR? We are happy to provide you with advice and information on best practices!

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