Lead system that easily integrates into existing systems

Handling incoming leads while they are still hot significantly increases the chance of conversion. Proxima ensures that your company gets a system that streamlines lead management. All incoming leads are followed up and taken care of. Our industry solution is developed for banking, real estate, and insurance, but it can easily be implemented in other industries where efficient lead management is important. The easy integration is made possible by the RESTful API.

How RESTful API works?

The reason Proxima so seamlessly communicates with already existing systems is due to RESTful API, or Representational State Transfer API. This is an architectural style for designing web services that allows clients (e.g., web applications) to communicate with servers over the internet. RESTful APIs are based on simple, well-defined principles that provide a clear structure and easy access to data and functionality.

Allows easy connectivity to all systems

Proxima's RESTful APIs allow the solution to connect to all types of systems, including CRM systems. These can be systems used by real estate agents, such as Vitec Next, Webmegler, Weptop, Visma Real Estate, etc. Our solution can also connect to bank systems, like Dynamics, On-Premises, Cloud, and more. All industries where efficient lead management is crucial can connect their systems to Proxima. Our solution also integrates easily with other types of platforms, such as Adobe Campaign. This allows you to easily follow the leads that come in through campaigns with Proxima. Our customers experience that campaigns with our integrated solution have simplified the follow-up of tips, allowing them to be processed while they are still hot.

Retain your own systems

With Proxima, banks, insurance companies, real estate agents, or other industries do not have to change their existing systems. This is positive for our customers, as total overhauls to new systems are expensive and time-consuming. Our solution ensures that employees do not have to learn something new but instead get a system that ensures more efficient lead management.

Do you want to learn more about Proxima?

Proxima ensures that all incoming leads are systematized and processed while they are still hot. In this way, our platform streamlines the follow-up of all customer inquiries. All customer data is handled in accordance with GDPR, so all tips are processed securely. Our industry solution is developed for banking, real estate, and insurance, but it can easily be integrated into any industry where customer follow-up is important. You can read more about how Proxima works here.

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