New type follow up

The Norwegian company Proxima Code has developed an entirely new type of platform that creates visible results in the banking, insurance, and real estate industries.

New branch standard

Now the company is in the process of creating a new "industry standard" and has already secured contracts with several of the largest players: Nordea in both Norway and Sweden, Sparebank1, Eiendomsmegler 1, Privatmegleren, Nito, Mäklarhuset, and Svensk Fast. As part of this, the system is also being used by several of the banks’ partners, such as Gjensidige and Tryg. The goal is to create an entirely new approach for the follow-up of so-called "leads," simply explained as good and efficient customer follow-up.

Lead culture and immediate follow-up

Too many organizations squander good opportunities by "forgetting" to follow up on customer inquiries. We have taken this seriously – and ensure that all tips from partners, other departments, or external inquiries are addressed immediately, says Sales Director at Proxima Code, Andreas Kavlie-Borge. Part of the success factor is that this way of working has created a new type of lead culture in the companies that have adopted the new platform, he says. What has also proven to yield good results is that the requirements for consent declarations have now been transformed into immediate follow-up with customers. This means that the customer experiences a very quick response – establishing a good start for further dialogue.

There are no bad leads

No inquiries deserve to end up in a drawer and "wait until Monday" – and no leads should be called bad before they are actively followed up. Our internal mantra is that there are no bad leads, only poor follow-up, says Kavlie-Borge. The system makes it uncomplicated, ensuring that every single tip that comes in is addressed. If the customer does not get a follow-up from the initial recipient, it automatically goes further until contact is established. This allows for good internal follow-up to see how the various customer inquiries are managed – so that resources can be deployed where they are most effective.

Creating a new type of interaction

One of the first things we discovered was how effective this was in the dialogue between real estate agents and the loan departments in banks. Suddenly, it became possible to create an entirely new interaction between agents and banks – where real estate agents were motivated to connect customers with their preferred banking partner. The system made it possible to monitor follow-ups, resulting in a multiplication of loan approvals from the agent's partner. In this way, we have managed to solve the classic challenge of achieving good cross-sales. Now, it is both intuitive and motivating to send new leads and tips to other departments or partners, says Kavlie-Borge.

"Invisible hand"

Proxima is a type of solution that can be used in different ways. It can either be introduced as a new platform for everyone to use, or it can be integrated into existing solutions to improve the possibilities for interaction and follow-up within the existing tools being used. Some of our customers appreciate that it is not necessary to change the tools they use daily, says Kavlie-Borge. By doing it this way, our solution becomes a kind of "invisible hand" that ensures everything works more efficiently within existing frameworks. No employees need to be burdened with new systems – they simply experience an immediate improvement in how they can interact with each other, he says.

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