
Effective leadshandling in Nordea

Nordea uses Proxima for managing and moving leads. By utilizing the platform's customization options, Nordea has developed a system that allows them to address leads quickly, as well as make important measurements and report to their partners.

Transfers leads between the bank and its partners

In the banking, real estate, and insurance industries, there is a lot of movement of customer inquiries between various players. It is crucial to have effective systems that ensure leads are handled quickly so they remain warm. Proxima is designed for this purpose, and Nordea has been using the platform for lead management for many years. Per Øivind Fuhr, Key Account Manager at Nordea Norway, reports that they are very satisfied with the system. Nordea often finds that their bank customers also need services in real estate and insurance. For example, if one of Nordea’s advisors notices that a customer is in the process of buying a new home, it is natural to suggest Nordea’s own real estate agency, PrivatMegleren. If the customer agrees, the advisor sends the tip to PrivatMegleren. If the customer needs insurance services, tips can be sent to the partner Gjensidige. This transfer of leads is simple in Proxima. When working closely with external partners, it is important to have a common platform for communication. Therefore, Nordea encourages its partners to fully utilize Proxima. This makes the process easier for all parties, Fuhr explains.

A user-friendly and flexible system provides significant value

Fuhr explains that the most important thing for Nordea is to have a system that operates seamlessly so they can quickly get in touch with customers and avoid the risk of losing leads. Proxima is designed with this in mind and provides businesses like Nordea with a solid foundation for efficient lead management. According to Fuhr, Proxima is easy to customize according to needs. For instance, if Nordea knows that one of their teams is understaffed, they can redirect leads to other teams instead. The system also allows them to choose their escalation pace—a feature Nordea takes advantage of. If a bank advisor, for example, receives a tip from a real estate agent but is unable to handle it within a reasonable time, the tip is forwarded to someone else. Customers can select the number of hours; some of Nordea’s teams have as little as an hour and a half for escalation.

Easy to measure and report

At Nordea, measurement and reporting are central, and they are very satisfied with the platform's solutions for these functions. All managers have the ability to access the system and check statuses themselves, which is convenient for a business like Nordea. Furthermore, Fuhr explains that the system makes it easy to extract the data they need with just a few clicks. This allows Nordea to manage commissions and create and forward reports to partners effortlessly. The system also provides access to the history of all leads—something Nordea finds useful for planning further lead management, according to Fuhr. For example, they can see which advisors have the best results in handling customer inquiries and potentially direct more tips to those advisors to increase efficiency.

Would you like to know more about Proxima?

Proxima is a platform that streamlines the follow-up of customer inquiries. The platform organizes all your leads and handles them in a way that ensures they remain warm. It is 100% GDPR-compliant, so you can be confident that all leads are processed securely. We offer industry solutions for banking, real estate, and insurance, but the system is not limited to these sectors!

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