
Fast lead management at Nordea Denmark

Proxima helps Nordea Denmark optimize their handling of customer inquiries. In addition to speeding up the company's lead management, the platform provides access to new data insights. With this foundation, Nordea Denmark aims to create excellent customer experiences.

Fast lead management at Nordea Denmark

Proxima helps Nordea Denmark optimize their handling of customer inquiries. In addition to speeding up the company's lead management, the platform provides access to new data insights. With this foundation, Nordea Denmark aims to create excellent customer experiences.

Puts the customer at the center

Nordea Denmark switched to Proxima early in 2022. By that time, the platform had already been used in Nordea Norway and Nordea Sweden for a period. It was regarded as a reliable system with good solutions, which was the main reason Proxima was also chosen for Nordea Denmark. This is according to Mette Herum Larsen, Business Developer at Nordea Denmark. At Nordea Denmark, there is a culture where the customer is placed at the center. They are constantly working to create the best experience for their customers—with key focus areas being speed and insight. The company aims to have a system that helps them optimize processes, both when new customers come in and as they are forwarded through the system. They hope Proxima will contribute to this. So far, they have a positive impression of the platform, says Herum Larsen.

Faster customer processing – satisfied customers

In the banking, real estate, and insurance industries, customer inquiries are often transferred between companies. Bank customers frequently need brokerage or insurance services, and the advisor can then send tips to one of the bank's partners. The process works the other way as well; partners often send tips to Nordea. When transferring leads, obtaining consent is crucial; the customer must agree to have their information shared with other parties. Since switching to Proxima, Nordea Denmark has found that this process happens more quickly compared to before. The escalation rate is also vital for ensuring satisfied customers. It is important for Nordea Denmark that their customers receive help from the right expertise immediately, especially during home purchases, which need to be handled very quickly. The goal is for Proxima to positively contribute to this, says Herum Larsen.

Gains new data insights

Herum Larsen further explains that Proxima has provided Nordea Denmark with an overview of data. This will be used to improve the customer experience across all of Nordea Denmark's channels. **Customized for the Danish Market** Nordea Denmark has so far had a close and positive collaboration with the developers at Proxima Code. According to Herum Larsen, Nordea Denmark experiences a high degree of flexibility in the partnership. The solution has been customized to fit the Danish market, and the company is very pleased with this. Also, read about how Proxima is used at Nordea Norway!

This is Proxima

Proxima helps you streamline lead management in your business. Our platform organizes all leads and ensures they are processed quickly—beneficial for both customers and the business. We are, of course, 100% GDPR-compliant, so you can be confident that your leads are handled securely. We offer industry solutions developed for banking, real estate, and insurance, but the platform is also suitable for other industries! Learn more about Proxima here.

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