Structure in the lead management of PrivatMegleren

With Proxima, PrivatMegleren achieves excellent structure in their incoming leads. Clear oversight, both for management and agents, ensures they can provide effective lead management.

Leads are handled while they are still warm

When leads comes in, we receive notifications via SMS or email. This allows us to respond quickly and forward the tip to an available agent. If it is not handled within a reasonable time, it returns to us so we can pass it on to the next person. This way, we handle the lead while it is still warm, ensuring that customers receive good follow-up from one of our agents. This is explained by Ellen Pike, Managing Director at PrivatMegleren.

Get good insight

Proxima provides management with an overview of the status of tips. Pike explains that this is important for tracking progress and forwarding tips to Nordea. The system provides PrivatMegleren with comprehensive and clear reports, allowing them to ensure that the tips they provide are of high quality.

A good leads handling tool

With Proxima, you gain full visibility and can map out which sources are bringing in leads. This helps businesses allocate their resources where they are needed. For PrivatMegleren, it is important to see which sources generate tips. “For us, the solution is a great customer tool. We are interested in seeing where the tips come from, and now we can see if they originate from Nordea, our website, or other sources. This way, we know where the 'food' comes from,” says Pike. Proxima provides efficient lead management from agent to bank advisor.

Leadshåndtering løsning

Easy to use

Today, the employees at PrivatMegleren use Proxima as an additional system, which provides them with quick and effective notifications about leads. They can customize how lead notifications are delivered, whether they prefer a reminder, SMS, or just email. The ability to tailor the system individually ensures that agents can manage leads in the most effective way possible. Ensures Good Customer Service The system enables homebuyers to receive excellent follow-up from skilled agents. We get the information we need to do the necessary groundwork, so we are well-prepared when contacting the customer, says Pike.

Proxima helps with leads handling

With Proxima, your company can streamline its lead management. All leads are systematized and organized so they can be handled while they are still warm. All customer information is securely managed in accordance with GDPR—ensuring your customers' data is protected. Our industry solution is developed for real estate, banking, and insurance, but is suitable for all industries and businesses where effective lead management is crucial. With the help of open APIs, it integrates seamlessly with existing systems.

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